Liudmila  (Lyalya) Knyazeva-Dyuzenko (Dyuzenko)

Composer Liudmila (Lyalya) Knyazeva-Dyuzenko


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Liudmila Knyazeva-Dyuzenko is an official artist of the American company VG music label.(Chicago) She is a composer, laureate of international competitions.  Liudmila  took part in the Buchmesse in Frankfurt, where her author's works of music, literature, theater and documentary films were exhibited. One of the most famous Liudmmila's works is a mono performance "Ascent to Noah's Ark" about the blind monk Anthony, who visited the Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat. The performance is entirely based on documentary material. In the mono play "Ascent to Noah's Ark," Liudmila acted as the screenwriter. music author and lead actor. Also Liudmila  wrote program symphony "The Ascent" (fragments this music were used to design a mono performance) and the book "Ascent" (in print and in audio book format) in Russian and English оn the same subject. (the book link: In the field of musical creativity, Liudmila Knyazeva-Dyuzenko works in an academic modern style. Her creative portfolio contains works of different genres and forms, including: symphonic music, one opera. two ballets. chamber music, compositions for the choir, music for children and popular songs.

Neue Noten
Concertino for clarinetto and strings, Op.94
Klassische Musik / Zeitgenössisch
Piano trio – Movement III, Op.93
Klassische Musik
Piano Trio – Movement II, Op.93
Klassische Musik
Piano Trio – Movement I, Op.93
Klassische Musik
Piano trio, Op.93
Klassische Musik
Elegy, Op.90
Klassische Musik / Musikstück
Let's play a rhapsody, Op.84
Klassische Musik / Zeitgenössisch
From folk tales. Suite for violin and piano, Op.87
Klassische Musik / Zeitgenössisch
Far away, Op.84
Klassische Musik / Lied
Sleepy Elephant, Op.83
Klassische Musik / Vokalmusik
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